Friday, December 5, 2014

A day at the track with number 66 Kurt Caselli

I have never met this rider and I never will get the opportunity to. He was an awesome rider who lived everyday as if it was his last. He touched the lives of more people than I can count and he is riding in paradise today. Kurt passed away on November 15, 2013 during the Baja 1000 in Baja California, Mexico. I have been thinking of the words to say commemorate him and I keep deleting what I type because I didn't really know him that well. I have seen the documentaries and Moto movies, but I never sat down and had a conversation with him. So I decided to let you know what I would of said if I got the chance.

Kurt Caselli!
You are a huge inspiration to me. I live out my day with a smile on my face because seeing yours made me realize that by me smiling I can make other smile. I think you are a gnarly dude on and off the bike. You have serious talent and your work ethic is killer. I love it how even if you win every race, you still think there is work to be done and you go out and work harder. Off the bike you are such an awesome friend and your mom is so blessed to have you as a son. Your fiancee is also blessed to be able to spend everyday with you. I know she will live out her life with a constant smile. You ride at a fast pace on your bike, but I can sense that everything for you goes in slow motion. You don't miss anything, like you know every turn and were every rock is placed. I also love how you change the life of everyone you meet. You have no enemies and I think that is so rad! Anyone who has met you only has good things to say and I  think if I asked them to say one bad thing about you it would be that you snore and you burp to quietly. haha
Now that you are gone all I have to say is thank you blessing the people around you and thank you always having a smile on your face. Thank you for being an awesome friend, son, teammate, and fiancee. You said to do one thing everyday that scares you because life is to short for it to be boring. Ever since I heard you say that I have done my best to live a fearless life and do something that scares me. I have been doing things that scare me like competing a dance solo for the first time, riding my dirt bike, I am attending  college and I am writing this blog about something I am passionate about. I will probably never hear the story behind your riding number or who inspires you to ride, but I assure you, I will remember you as a person and a rider.

Kurt was a great man and has impacted so many lives. I feel like he is still here because of how everyone talks and sees him today.

Since the passing of Kurt, his family and friends have started the Kurt Caselli Foundation and they strive to protect and support the lives of off road riders. This foundation is really awesome so check it out at

Many people are remembering Kurt at the Kurt Caselli Foundation Ride Day out at Glen Helen in California today.  This the second annual ride day in honor of Kurt. He will always be remembered and the American Legend will always live on.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A day at the track with...Number 217 Tyler Foster

    Tyler Foster is a really awesome rider out of Arizona who has been shredding at the track  for 15 years. He wants to fight fires on the weekdays and live at the track on the weekends. He has a passion for riding like I have never seen. When I asked him questions he gave answers that I honestly didn't expect.  He strives to get better and he never gives up.

Why do you ride?
I ride because there is nothing else that gets me that pumped, going fast or hitting a jump that big or going that high. Hard question haha
Who do you like to ride with?
I like to ride with anyone that enjoys riding. Mostly because I can learn from the other person or they can learn from me to become faster and a better rider.
What is your favorite part about riding?
 Everything! Its all about having fun, all your trouble thoughts or worries go away because you can't think about that at the same time. Riding takes focus and concentration especially when racing. Its a fast sport, so no room to think about other things.
What is the scariest part about riding?
The scariest part about riding , well i guess the scariest part is crashing, but you never know when that is going to happen haha
Who is your favorite rider?
Im going to stay local, a guy named Travis Tillery. Lives in Arizona and just finished the 2014 Lucas Oil Pro Motorcross Series Wasn't ever a top guy , but he always gave it one hell of a try, never gave up. Did what he could with the money he and the sponsors. He just loves the sport a lot and he's a humble guy who is faster than shit. He helps people out, a great friend, and a great mentor.
If you could ride with one person who would it be?
I would ride with Dean Wilson because he is funny and seems like a cool guy! Always as a good attitude even when things don't go his way.
How has riding impacted your life?
Riding impacted my life because I have such a passion for it. I absolutely love riding and watching the sport.
What is the story behind the number 217?
The story behind 217. Well always liked the numbers 2 and 7. I had the number 22 and 7 at one point. So i thought of 227 but that is Cole Martinez's number and i didn't know if a 217 so i picked it!

    Foster is a great rider who loves the sport probably more than anything. He will grow as a rider and a young man with the talent an handwork he puts in riding and his everyday life. As riders always say " I may not be the strongest, I may not be the fastest, but I'll be dammed if I'm not trying my hardest."

Friday, August 22, 2014

A day at the track with Wren Doyle

         Wren Doyle is a student at Grand Canyon University, majoring in Pre-Med. While going to school she also loves to swing her leg over her CR-150 and ride for hours. When I met up with Wren at the end of the  day I asked her some questions about why she rides and the conversation got me thinking about why other riders ride. So I decided to start this blog about riders I meet at the tracks all over.

photo by Ace Fanning

I sat down with Wren and asked her some questions regarding the reasons on why she rides. Here are her responses.

Who is you favorite rider and why?
    Dean Wilson because no matter how many times he screws up he always finds finds ways to win! Also when he sucks at a race he turns his attitude around and will win and he is just awesome. Oh and he is from Scotland.
Who do you like to ride with?
     I like to ride with my Dad because he is the one who inspires me to ride! And he is my Dad. I want to be just like him, in some ways.
What is most challenging about riding a dirt bike?
      The most challenging is when you first start and having to use the clutch and getting motions down.
Who has impacted your riding the most?
    My dad impacts me the most because no matter how many questions I have to ask he never gets frustrated and no matter how many times I mess up he always is there telling me to keep trying and never give up.

Wren hasn't been riding her whole life but she does have a passion to get better everyday. She will never ride The Monster Energy AMA Supercross but, she has a passion and this is her way of dreaming.

A day at the track with...

    Whenever I go to the track I think about how hard the riders work and how much this sport really takes. I have always wanted to ask why the riders race or who inspires them to ride. So one day I decided I was going to ask the riders these very questions. Before I ask the riders I thought  I would share a little bit about myself. My name is Chase and I love to watch, ride, and take pictures of motocross. Writing about motocross is not my strong suit so bare with me. I am going to school to be an Oncologist but , I really want to work with Monster Energy AMA Supercross. I really want to be the next Simon Cudby and have my photos all over magazines and on billboards.
       I ride my dirt bike because of my dad, he inspires me to swing my leg over the seat and let it rip. He never gets angry when I ask lots of questions and he is always there for me when I hit the ground. The greatest moment of riding my dirt bike was when the ground and I met when I  started riding with the clutch. I fell of the bike and wrapped a light pole and some other things. I got up from the ground and i saw him walking over. When I open my eyes after I knew nothing hurt I saw him walking over to me with a little smirk on his face. He took me and helped me wash my leg. I got what he called a "strawberry" and he said something i will never forget he said "I am so proud of you." That right there is why I ride. My dad and I bond over riding our dirt bikes and it is my favorite when he says we can go out and ride. I always say life is to short so grip it and rip it. 

     I am writing this blog because it is my way of dreaming. I hope this can give you and inside look on this sport and the people who participate. They are real people with a real passion for what they do. They may never rider under the lights at the Monster Energy AMA Supercross but, they will live everyday as if it were race day because everyday is a good day to ride.